
Showing posts from January, 2021

Sensory differences on the basis of sex: why research in all-male cohorts is passé.

Published! is a series of chats with women in science highlighting their publications as leading authors. If you have recently published a scientific manuscript and would like to chat with me, you can get in touch via Twitter @laurenpoppi or email <>. Dr. Manon Bohic is a postdoctoral associate at Rutgers University who studies the neuroscience of touch and pain. Manon completed her graduate studies at Aix-Marseille Université, France, and has now moved to the US to further her training in neurobiology, behaviour, and molecular genetics. Earlier this year, Manon published a first author manuscript based on her PhD research, titled “Loss of bhlha9 impairs thermotaxis and formalin-evoked pain in a sexually dimorphic manner” in Cell Reports. You can read the article here .  We chatted about some important neurobiological and behavioural differences between males and females, embracing the "cliché" of believing in yourself, remembering why you love